New York Marriage Equality Act
July 10, 2012The Marriage Equality Act was signed into law in New York State on
24, 2011. It allows marriages for same- and opposite-sex couples. First
and foremost congratulations to all the happy newlyweds. Now comes the
most unromantic part of celebrating marriage equality, the taxes.
While the federal government does not currently recognize same-sex
marriage, New York (among other states) does. When filing your federal
personal income tax, same sex couples need to file them as single or
head of household. Filing as two singe and separate individuals denies
many of the tax benefits of marriage to same sex couples. Single tax
rates are higher and deductions and exemptions are lower. Head of
Household filing status will give you slightly better tax benefits, but
the rules governing filing head of household are very restrictive. You
must be able to demonstrate that you provide the overwhelming financial
support for your partner among other tests.
When you get to the state tax return is when things get a little
complicated. New York state REQUIRES same sex married couples who
married in 2011 to file their taxes as married. You will use the code M3
on your New York State tax return to indicate same sex married couple
filing status. You must prepare a "dummy" copy of your federal income
tax return as if you were married, applying all the married rules to
your federal income taxes. You then must take your "dummy" federal
income tax return information and apply it to your "actual" New York
State income tax return. After you are done with this process, as
described at the New York State Department of Taxation website,
you will submit your New York State personal income tax and enjoy all
the benefits of being a married couple under New York State tax
regulations. Do not file your "dummy" Federal return as the Federal
government will reject same sex married couple tax returns.
As you might imagine, all this extra work, in effect completing two
different sets of Federal income tax returns, will double the work for
you. If you have the 6 hours that an average tax payer spends on doing
their own taxes, then now you most likely will double that to spending
12 hours on your taxes this year. If you use a tax preparer, then you
can imagine that they will be giving you a very legitimate reason to
double your tax preparation fees this year. Astoria Tax Prep will not be
doubling any of our client's fees. The Marriage Equality Act should be a
joyous event free of increased burdens on taxpayers. Please feel free
to contact us regarding our expertise in the area of same sex couple
income tax filing.
Posted by Jerry Chin.